What's Kano?
Kano OS is a set of operating systems that teach children to write programs.
The kids will learn the concept of programming through 3 devices:
Kano Computer Touch Kit, Pixel Kit and Motion Sensor.
Kano OS是⼀套專⾨教⼩朋友寫程式的作 業系統,它內建了許多專⾨⽤來教孩⼦程式概 念的軟體。孩⼦將透過Kano Computer的Touch Kit, Pixel Kit, and Motion Sensor. 三種套件,學習到程式設計的編碼概念,並開始執⾏編碼作業。
Kano OS is a set of operating systems that teach children to write programs.
The kids will learn the concept of programming through 3 devices:
Kano Computer Touch Kit, Pixel Kit and Motion Sensor.
Kano OS是⼀套專⾨教⼩朋友寫程式的作 業系統,它內建了許多專⾨⽤來教孩⼦程式概 念的軟體。孩⼦將透過Kano Computer的Touch Kit, Pixel Kit, and Motion Sensor. 三種套件,學習到程式設計的編碼概念,並開始執⾏編碼作業。
- Learn about the creative world of Kano, code through different challenges using their most popular devices.
- Some coding experiences required
- Pixel Kit
- Build a Pixel Kit.
- Learn about power, RGB, LEDs, and more.
- Make animations and create the games with the use of lights.
- Learn to code by using colorful blocks and view the JavaScript.
- Kano Computer
- Learn how computers work.
- Explore Kano by coding games and making art with code.
- Motion Sensor
- Learn about loops, logic, live data, and variables.
- Code animations or games with blocks but make them move with your hand, your head or even your feet!