Inspire and set the stage for future leaders.
《創業鯊魚幫(Shark Tank)》是一個美國實境秀節目,提供素人新創者募得創業資金的平台。每集節目中會有五位資深創業家和投資人充當所謂的「鯊魚」,用一連串的問題來考驗這些前來「面試」的創業家的能耐並決定是否要投資。之所以叫Shark Tank,創業者與鯊魚們之間的激烈攻防戰,其實也正是這個節目的精彩之處。
萊特豪斯的Shark Tank 營隊,讓學生從發想產品開始,透過實務操作,除了對商業,創業家精神和金融概念的了解有所增加之外,也能將Shark Tank的課程所學應用到數學、行銷、語言溝通,經濟知識等其它方面,以及團隊合作的能力。 課程模擬創業真實情境,從了解團隊的興趣跟專長、市場趨勢與受眾來發想產品設計與特色、定價、撰寫商業計劃書、logo & slogan的設計、製作產品廣告、募資簡報、甚至到預算成本的規劃,讓孩子體驗創業思維! |
Lighthouse Camps’ Shark Tank not only engages Kids in entrepreneurship education but also enhances kids’ ability in academic subjects like math, communication, language arts, economics, marketing, and finance. From brainstorming, designing and creating the product/ services, writing a business plan with a mission statement, market analysis and marketing strategies, to pitching the business to teachers and the class, including critiquing the plans, providing feedback, offering constructive criticism, and selecting the most viable proposal, campers will build their skills in project development, project management, problem solving, prototype creations, and teamwork.