The key is not the final score report but to learn from the preparation process and to help students better understand themselves, such as what they are good at and what to improve. Global math competitions like American Mathematics Competitions or Australian Mathematics Competition also work as benchmarks to know where you stand among worldwide peers.
Students could apply this "looking for problems and finding solutions" concept in math practice to real life experience. The process of looking for math solutions also develops patience and a stable personality.
考得好當然是一大鼓勵,然而事前學習沉著準備、朝一個目標邁進的態度,以及事後看看答題狀況、討論成績及考試準備過程的想法,才是我們鼓勵學生參加這類競試最重要的目的,讓孩子能更認識自己。這種全球性的科目競試,像是美國的數學競試American Mathematics Competitions,或是澳洲數學競試Australian Mathematics Competition,可以提供全球同儕學習狀況的大數據,藉此更了解自己的擅長之處、並加強不足。
Students could apply this "looking for problems and finding solutions" concept in math practice to real life experience. The process of looking for math solutions also develops patience and a stable personality.
考得好當然是一大鼓勵,然而事前學習沉著準備、朝一個目標邁進的態度,以及事後看看答題狀況、討論成績及考試準備過程的想法,才是我們鼓勵學生參加這類競試最重要的目的,讓孩子能更認識自己。這種全球性的科目競試,像是美國的數學競試American Mathematics Competitions,或是澳洲數學競試Australian Mathematics Competition,可以提供全球同儕學習狀況的大數據,藉此更了解自己的擅長之處、並加強不足。
Our Math Competition Prep courses, available for both group and tutoring, cover the following prestige competitions:
美國數學競賽 (American Mathematics Competition)
Host by MAA (Mathematical Association of America) since 1950, American Mathematics Competitions, AMC, are a series of examinations and curriculum materials that build problem-solving skills and mathematical knowledge in middle and high school students. Starting with approximately 200 schools to around 6,000 students in the New York area only, now, the competition has grown to over 300,000 students participating annually, in over 4,000 schools.
There are 5 types of AMC competitions: AMC 8 (middle school level), AMC 10/12 (high school level), AIME (high scoring AMC 10/12 participants), USAMO/ USAJMO (high scoring AIME participants), and Putnam (undergraduate college students in the United States and Canada). And We will focus on AMC 8
美國的數學競試American Mathematics Competitions由美國數學協會 (Mathematical Association of America, MAA)主辦,是一系列的考試以及教材,目的在於培養中學生解決問題的技巧以及數學相關的知識。自1950年從紐約的200間學校、6000位學生開始,現今每年約有30萬學生、超過4000間學校參與AMC考試,除了廣為美國中學校長每年必推薦的活動之一,同步測驗的國家還有加拿大、新加坡、香港、日本、匈牙利、希臘、土耳其、法國等20多個國家,是全球可信度和有效性最高的數學競試。AMC可以說是數學頂尖人才庫,讓更多家長心儀的是,它為學校提供了申請入學者在數學方面的學習成就和評量,每年成功地讓許多測驗成績優良學生進入理想學校。藉由專家嚴謹設計的題目,培養學生們解決問題的能力,激發對數學的興趣。試題多元,對各種程度的學生都有挑戰性,進而篩選出特具天賦的學生。AMC長久以來的高鑑別度,廣受全球眾多官方及民間機構重視。
AMC主要分成AMC 8 (國中程度)、 AMC 10/12 (高中程度)、AIME (高分通過 AMC 10/12的學生)、USAMO/ USAJMO (高分通過AIME的學生),以及Putnam (給北美大學生參與)。萊特豪斯的課程以AMC 8為主。
There are 5 types of AMC competitions: AMC 8 (middle school level), AMC 10/12 (high school level), AIME (high scoring AMC 10/12 participants), USAMO/ USAJMO (high scoring AIME participants), and Putnam (undergraduate college students in the United States and Canada). And We will focus on AMC 8
美國的數學競試American Mathematics Competitions由美國數學協會 (Mathematical Association of America, MAA)主辦,是一系列的考試以及教材,目的在於培養中學生解決問題的技巧以及數學相關的知識。自1950年從紐約的200間學校、6000位學生開始,現今每年約有30萬學生、超過4000間學校參與AMC考試,除了廣為美國中學校長每年必推薦的活動之一,同步測驗的國家還有加拿大、新加坡、香港、日本、匈牙利、希臘、土耳其、法國等20多個國家,是全球可信度和有效性最高的數學競試。AMC可以說是數學頂尖人才庫,讓更多家長心儀的是,它為學校提供了申請入學者在數學方面的學習成就和評量,每年成功地讓許多測驗成績優良學生進入理想學校。藉由專家嚴謹設計的題目,培養學生們解決問題的能力,激發對數學的興趣。試題多元,對各種程度的學生都有挑戰性,進而篩選出特具天賦的學生。AMC長久以來的高鑑別度,廣受全球眾多官方及民間機構重視。
AMC主要分成AMC 8 (國中程度)、 AMC 10/12 (高中程度)、AIME (高分通過 AMC 10/12的學生)、USAMO/ USAJMO (高分通過AIME的學生),以及Putnam (給北美大學生參與)。萊特豪斯的課程以AMC 8為主。
澳洲數學競賽(Australian Mathematics Competition)
Australian Mathematics Competition, (also known as AMC, same initial as the U.S. one, American Mathematics Competitions) is an engaging 30-problem competition that demonstrates the importance and relevance of mathematics in students' everyday lives; it is open to students in years 3 to 12. The competition is held usually in August, with five divisions: Middle Primary (years 3–4), Upper Primary (years 5–6), Junior (years 7–8), Intermediate (years 9–10) and Senior (years 11–12). Here's a quick assessment to see which level fits your kids best.
跟美國的數學競試American Mathematics Competitions一樣,縮寫都是"AMC",澳洲數學競試(Australian Mathematics Competition)由30個題目組成,著重在讓學生們理解數學對日常生活的相關性以及重要性。這個考試通常在八月舉辦,並且按照澳洲的年級分成五個不同的程度: Middle Primary (years 3–4), Upper Primary (years 5–6), Junior (years 7–8), Intermediate (years 9–10) and Senior (years 11–12)。萊特豪斯的課程將以Upper Primary跟Junior為主。
跟美國的數學競試American Mathematics Competitions一樣,縮寫都是"AMC",澳洲數學競試(Australian Mathematics Competition)由30個題目組成,著重在讓學生們理解數學對日常生活的相關性以及重要性。這個考試通常在八月舉辦,並且按照澳洲的年級分成五個不同的程度: Middle Primary (years 3–4), Upper Primary (years 5–6), Junior (years 7–8), Intermediate (years 9–10) and Senior (years 11–12)。萊特豪斯的課程將以Upper Primary跟Junior為主。
英國數學競賽 (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust Challenges)
Host by United Kingdom Mathematics Trust, its biggest competitions are the Junior (Year 8/ Grade 7 or below), Intermediate (Year 11/ Grade 10 or below) and Senior (Year 13/ Grade 12 or below) Mathematical Challenges, which have over 700 000 entries each year. The highest-scoring students will be invited to take part in follow-on rounds such as the Junior, Grey, Pink and Senior Kangaroos and the Junior, Cayley, Hamilton and Maclaurin Olympiads. High scorers in the Senior Mathematical Challenge will be invited to sit the British Mathematical Olympiad Round 1, which feeds in to the training and selection of the team to represent the UK at the prestigious International Mathematical Olympiad, the annual Olympic games of mathematics, and other international competitions.
英國數學競賽 (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust Challenges)由UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust)舉辦,是英國國名度最高的數學競賽、被稱為「申請牛劍的加速器」,為11到18歲的學生提供不同等級的數學競賽,考題內容著重於學生的數學能力和邏輯推理技巧。個人競賽分成 (Year 8/ 七年級以下)、中級Intermediate (Year 11/ 10年級以下) 跟高級Senior (Year 13/ 12年級以下) 三個不同的等級,每個等級又有最基礎的競賽初級Junior(Challenges)、奧林匹亞(Olympiad) 和袋鼠競賽(Kangaroo)。Challenge表現優異者,可以參加Olympiad跟Kangaroo。競賽時間爲一小時,共25道選擇題,答錯會倒扣,不答不扣分。
UKMT每年會從最高級別的British Mathematical Olympiad(BMO)中選擇得分最高的20名參加在劍橋三一學院舉辦的訓練營並從中選出6名學生,代表英國參加國際奧林匹亞數學競賽。萊特豪斯的課程會以初級Junior為主。
英國數學競賽 (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust Challenges)由UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust)舉辦,是英國國名度最高的數學競賽、被稱為「申請牛劍的加速器」,為11到18歲的學生提供不同等級的數學競賽,考題內容著重於學生的數學能力和邏輯推理技巧。個人競賽分成 (Year 8/ 七年級以下)、中級Intermediate (Year 11/ 10年級以下) 跟高級Senior (Year 13/ 12年級以下) 三個不同的等級,每個等級又有最基礎的競賽初級Junior(Challenges)、奧林匹亞(Olympiad) 和袋鼠競賽(Kangaroo)。Challenge表現優異者,可以參加Olympiad跟Kangaroo。競賽時間爲一小時,共25道選擇題,答錯會倒扣,不答不扣分。
UKMT每年會從最高級別的British Mathematical Olympiad(BMO)中選擇得分最高的20名參加在劍橋三一學院舉辦的訓練營並從中選出6名學生,代表英國參加國際奧林匹亞數學競賽。萊特豪斯的課程會以初級Junior為主。