每天都在用、跟著你一輩子的身體,你了解多少呢? 從耳朵聽到、大腦接受訊息到做出動作, 是一趟怎麼樣的身體旅程? 在人體構造這個主題,我們將從皮膚、神經、肌肉、感官到骨子裡,從腦子、五臟六腑、血液血管、呼吸道、新陳代謝循環、消化系統,透過像是實作3D心臟、了解血液循環的原理,或是解剖雞翅,研究骨頭和肌肉之間的親密關係等手做構建2D和3D模型,以及互動式小測驗,探索人體各個構造以及基礎生物學,運用從做中學的方法 自然而然了解身體器官的奧秘。
對於比較小的孩子,我們也有專門給5-7歲的Junior Human Anatomy營隊唷! Students are learning about the different systems of the human body, from head to toe, inside out, by building 3D models, hands-on projects, taking interactive quizzes and getting crafty with worksheets. For the younger ones, we also have Junior Human Academy camp for ages 5 to 7. |
- 培養科學興趣: 這個課程將以生動有趣的方式介紹人體結構和功能,激發孩子們對科學的興趣。透過講座和實作,他們將以輕鬆的方式學到基本的解剖學知識。
- 實踐學習: 孩子們不僅透過老師講課學習,還會親自參與製作相應主題的實作。這樣的實踐學習方式可以讓他們更深入地理解人體結構,同時激發他們的好奇心。
- 促進創造力: 手做的活動鼓勵孩子們發揮創造力,設計和建造屬於他們自己的身體系統模型。這將培養他們的想像力和解難能力。
- 啟發終身學習: 在這個年齡段,建立積極的學習態度至關重要。這個課程不僅提供基礎知識,還培養了學習的樂趣,為他們日後的學術旅程打下堅實的基礎。
- 結業展示的自信心: 最後一天的結業展示是孩子們展示他們所學、所做的絕佳機會。這不僅提升了他們的自信心,也能夠見證他們的成長和努力。
- 培養合作意識: 課程中的實作活動促進了合作和團隊精神,讓孩子們學會與他人協作,這將對他們未來的社交和學業都大有助益。
- 有趣的學習體驗: 我們設計課程以引起孩子興趣與樂趣的方式結合了教育元素,確保孩子在學習的同時能夠享受豐富多彩的學習體驗。
Why join Human Anatomy Camp?
- Ignite Curiosity: At this tender age, children are naturally curious. Our course is crafted to fuel their inquisitiveness about the human body, sparking an early interest in science and anatomy through interactive and captivating lectures.
- Hands On Learning: The course doesn't just stop at theory; it actively involves your child in the learning process. Through model-making sessions, they will have the opportunity to bring to life the intricate details of the skeletal, muscular, and other systems, making learning a tangible and memorable experience.
- Promote Creativity: Model-making isn't just about replicating structures; it's a canvas for creativity. Your child will be encouraged to use their imagination to design and construct their body system models, fostering both artistic expression and problem-solving skills.
- Lay the Foundation for Lifelong Learning: Early positive experiences with learning can shape a child's attitude towards education. This course not only imparts foundational anatomical knowledge but also instills a love for learning, setting the stage for a lifelong pursuit of knowledge.
- Boost Confidence through Presentation: The final presentation day is an empowering opportunity for your child to showcase what they've learned and created. Public speaking at a young age can significantly boost confidence, and this event will allow them to express themselves with pride.
- Encourage Teamwork: Collaborative model-making activities promote teamwork and social interaction. Your child will learn to work harmoniously with others, fostering valuable social skills that extend beyond the classroom.
- Fun Educational Experience: We believe in making learning enjoyable. The course is designed to be both educational and entertaining, ensuring that your child has a blast while gaining valuable insights into the wonders of the human body.