Preparing for Middle School/Junior High Series
Why Life Sciences:
Studying the life sciences will provide you with a foundation of scientific knowledge and ways of exploring the world. The life sciences pervade so many aspects of our lives – from health care, to the environment, to debates about stem cell research and genetic testing. While dramatic scientific progress has been made in recent decades, so much remains unknown. 基礎生物將著重在生命科學。生命科學是所有科學知識的基石,以及探索這個世界的方法。從醫療保健到幹細胞研究或是基因測試,都是生命科學的範疇。即便科學在過去幾十年已經有顯著的進展,但是還是有許多未知待解。 透過這個營隊,孩子們將練習用科學家的角度來看世界,認識生命體及生物的分類、動物和植物的細胞、遺傳,以及微生物。 |
In this Intro to Biology course, campers will learn about Life Science, the study of living organisms. We will cover topics like the classification of living things, animal and plant cells, heredity, and microorganisms.
Topics covered in the course:
Topics covered in the course:
- Cells:
- Animal vs Plant Cell
- Classification:
- Vertebrates & Invertebrate
- Vascular vs Nonvascular
- Heredity:
- Inherited Traits & Behaviors
- Acquired Physical Traits & Acquired Behaviors
- Genes
- Microorganism:
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- Parasites
- Viruses
One-day Weekend Workshop is also available. 基礎科學也有提供周末單日體驗課程,請與我們聯絡、獲得最新體驗課程資訊。
Time: Please contact us for the most updated time
Student Age: Grades 5-6 (We will consider advance 4th graders or younger 7th graders)
Topic this session: Please contact us for the most updated topic
Location: Daan district
Class Size: Maximum 8 students
Private Group Class: 4 - 6 students at any Taipei location (*extra fees may apply)
Time: Please contact us for the most updated time
Student Age: Grades 5-6 (We will consider advance 4th graders or younger 7th graders)
Topic this session: Please contact us for the most updated topic
Location: Daan district
Class Size: Maximum 8 students
Private Group Class: 4 - 6 students at any Taipei location (*extra fees may apply)