Looking for something fun and meaningful for the kids during the weekends? Not sure which camps to choose for the kids? Lighthouse Camps offers a variety of workshops, where you'd spend one day or a half-day on the weekend to have a taste of most of our holiday camps. If you are interested in joining one, please fill out the form or contact us directly, and we will arrange the workshop date and time.
想為孩子在學期間找些有趣又有意義的周末活動? 不確定孩子對那些營隊有興趣? 幾乎所有萊特豪斯的假期一周營隊,都提供周末一日、半日體驗課程。如果您為孩子安排學校課業以外的酷知識,讓孩子多方面接觸、及早找出興趣及專長所在,歡迎報名我們的周末課程! 請填妥這個報名表格,或是直接與我們聯繫諮詢一日課程細節喔。 |
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All Options of One-day Workshops
for ages 5 - 12 適合5-12歲 藝術活動鼓勵孩子創造性思維,並培養敏銳的觀察力、靈活的動手能力和審美觀。在幼兒時期,一旦形成了這種能力,還能進而促進其他方面的學習,促進孩子左右腦的全面發展。 Art encourages children to think creatively and develop keen observation, flexible hands-on skills and aesthetic appreciation. In early childhood, once this ability is formed, it can further promote other aspects of learning and promote the overall development of the child's left and right brains. |
for ages 5 - 12 適合5-12歲 課程包括一小時授課,以及半小時的實際對戰指引。培養孩子的專注力、記憶力、分析能力以及邏輯思維。 Each session includes 1 hr lesson of Introduction to the Rules and Pieces + 30 mins of gameplay. Playing chess could enhance memory, deepen focus, boost planning skills, and many other advantages. No prerequisites required. |
Storytelling in Mandarin
for ages 4-6 適合4-6歲 將以國語進行,每節45分鐘,包括30分鐘的說故事和15分鐘的活動,如繪畫、製作紙偶和/或人物等。 This workshop will be conducted fully in Mandarin, each session is 45 minutes, including 30-minutes storytelling and 15-minute activities, like drawing, making paper puppets and or characters, and so on. |
for ages 8 - 12, 10-11 am on Saturdays 適合8-12歲, 周六10-11am 西班牙語是世界第二大母語人口的語言;換句話說,如果學會了西班牙語,就可以和世界上近5億的人們自由溝通呢!我們除了專注在發音、對話的技巧、文法解說之外,還會帶領孩子了解西班牙的文化欣賞. Spanish is the language with the second largest native population in the world; in other words, if you learn Spanish, you will be able to communicate freely with nearly 500 million people in the world! In addition to focusing on pronunciation, conversation skills, and grammar explanations, we also lead children to understand Spanish cultural appreciation. |
for ages 8 - 12,10am-12pm on Sundays 適合8-12歲, 周日10am-12pm Vlog風潮席捲,不管是用手機、GoPro或是專業的攝影器材錄下有趣的一切,要怎麼剪接編輯,成為專屬自己的影片內容風格、經營自己的Vlog頻道呢? 讓萊特豪斯高手老師們教你。 Vlogging is trending everywhere: whether you use a mobile phone or professional photography equipment to record everything interesting, how do you edit your videos, cater it to your own video content style and run your very own Vlog channel? Let Lighthouse Camps teach you. |
Junior Techs 1+ 2
for ages 5-7 適合5-7歲 孩子從五歲開始,就可以理解什麼是演算法,不一定直接牽涉電腦。我們讓孩子透過BEEBOT 小黃蜂機器人, 學習如何計數、排序、估算及解決問題,培養孩子的「運算性思維」(Computational thinking),學著把巨大的問題拆解成一系列更小、更容易處理的問題,孩子將在學習過程中,養成自己思考判斷能力並如何解決現實中的問題。 Starting from the age of five, children can understand what algorithms are and do not necessarily directly involve computers. We let children learn how to count, sort, estimate and solve problems through the BEEBOT robot, cultivate children's computational thinking, and teach to break down huge problems into a series of smaller tasks that are easier to handle. During the learning process, children will develop their own ability to think and judge and how to solve real-life problems. |
for ages 8 - 12 適合8-12歲 當開始接觸純文字式的程式語言,往往會覺得抽象且乏味程式設計,不過HTML/CSS課程最有趣的一點是,當你輸入一串程式語言後,可以在創作的過程中清楚學會每一行程式帶來的改變,更能激發挑戰性,讓孩子更加想完成屬於自己的網頁。HTML 跟 CSS 不只是架網站的基礎,同時也是提升coding能力的基礎,對這兩個程式語言有一定的認知,學習更進階的程式語言,像是 JavaScript、Ruby、PHP 的時候就會更容易上手。 When you first come into contact with programming languages, programming might seem abstract and boring. However, after inputting a string of code into HTML/CSS, you can more clearly understand each line of programming during the process. HTML and CSS are not only the basis for building a website, but also the basis for improving coding skills. |
for ages 8-12, 1-3pm on Saturdays 適合8-12歲, 周六1-3pm JavaScript可以說是世界最常用的程式語言。課程中,老師會指導講解概念,讓孩子們開始實作。當遇到問題孩子可以快速得到老師的指導分析,並依孩子的程度可以做出不同的Project,讓孩子有更多挑戰的機會。 JavaScript is said to be the most commonly used programming language. During the course, the teacher will guide and explain the concepts and let the children start to implement them. Different coding projects can be created according to the children's level, providing students with challenging tasks and allowing them to improve in a learning environment under the guidance of teachers. No prerequisites required. |
Math Competition Prep
for ages 8-12 適合8-12歲
萊特豪斯鼓勵孩子們參加這類競試最重要的目的,不但讓您了解孩子,也讓孩子更認識自己。這種全球性的科目競試,像是美國的數學競試(American Mathematics Competitions),或是澳洲數學競試(Australian Mathematics Competition),可以提供全球同齡孩子學習狀況的大數據,也可以讓您與孩子更了解自己的擅長之處、加強不足,不論未來是否安排孩子到國外就學或是往數理方面邁進,都是一個可以增加經驗值的嘗試。
The most important purpose of Lighthouse Camps in encouraging children to participate in such competitions is not only to allow you to better understand your children, but also to let them understand themselves better. This kind of global subject competition, such as the American Mathematics Competitions or the Australian Mathematics Competitions, can provide data on the learning status of children of the same age around the world, and can also allow you and your children to have a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Regardless of whether they arrange for their children to study abroad in the future or move towards mathematics and science, this is a valuable experience.
for ages 8 -12, 3-5pm on Saturdays 適合8-12歲, 周六3-5pm
這門課在Lighthouse Camps,一直深受孩子與家長們喜愛。課程教材使用入門版的科學探索 Exploring Science 7,這是目前英國許多學校使用的教科書,主要是讓學5-6年級的學生,對生物、物理、化學有基本的認識,並且深入淺出地帶到8-9年級程度的內容。每個禮拜都是獨立的一個主題。
這項課程內容是由萊特豪斯的創辦人Mark(史丹佛大學生物學學士)與課程研發主任Ivon (台北醫學大學醫學士)共同規劃。他們發現,很多資質優異的孩子,在一開始遇到進階的科學相關課程,就投降放棄了。這並不是因為孩子們能力不足,多半是因為在打基礎的時候,就已經因為老師快速帶過而飽受挫折。打好科學課程的基礎是通往理科STEM成功學習的重要關鍵。有鑑於以上種種,萊特豪斯Introduction to Science基礎科學這門課的目標是為學生準備好學習進階理科項目的底子,藉由獨特設計的教學,讓孩子們可以真正參與投入學習,啟發對STEM科目的學習興趣與自信,藉此增強求知慾望,為孩子後續的理工科STEM 領域,做好超前部署。
This class at Lighthouse Camps has always been loved by children and parents. The course is derived from the introductory version of Exploring Science 7, which is currently used by many schools in the UK. It mainly allows students in grades 5-6 to have a basic understanding of biology, physics, and chemistry, and to explain it in a simple and easy way to 8- 9th grade level content. Each week has a separate theme.
The content of this course was jointly planned by Mark, the founder of Lighthouse and Ivon, director of curriculum development. They found that many children with excellent qualifications gave up when they first encountered advanced science-related courses. This is not because the children are incompetent, but mostly because when they are laying the foundation, they have suffered setbacks due to the teacher’s quick guidance. Laying a solid foundation in science courses is an important key to successful science STEM studies. In view of the above, the goal of Lighthouse's Introduction to Science basic science course is to prepare students for learning advanced science projects. Through uniquely designed teaching, children can truly participate in learning and inspire their interest in STEM. This will enhance children’s interest and confidence in learning subjects, thereby enhancing their desire for knowledge and making advance arrangements for their children’s subsequent STEM fields in science and engineering.
for ages 8-12 適合8-12歲
萊特豪斯鼓勵孩子們參加這類競試最重要的目的,不但讓您了解孩子,也讓孩子更認識自己。這種全球性的科目競試,像是美國的數學競試(American Mathematics Competitions),或是澳洲數學競試(Australian Mathematics Competition),可以提供全球同齡孩子學習狀況的大數據,也可以讓您與孩子更了解自己的擅長之處、加強不足,不論未來是否安排孩子到國外就學或是往數理方面邁進,都是一個可以增加經驗值的嘗試。
The most important purpose of Lighthouse Camps in encouraging children to participate in such competitions is not only to allow you to better understand your children, but also to let them understand themselves better. This kind of global subject competition, such as the American Mathematics Competitions or the Australian Mathematics Competitions, can provide data on the learning status of children of the same age around the world, and can also allow you and your children to have a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Regardless of whether they arrange for their children to study abroad in the future or move towards mathematics and science, this is a valuable experience.
for ages 8 -12, 3-5pm on Saturdays 適合8-12歲, 周六3-5pm
這門課在Lighthouse Camps,一直深受孩子與家長們喜愛。課程教材使用入門版的科學探索 Exploring Science 7,這是目前英國許多學校使用的教科書,主要是讓學5-6年級的學生,對生物、物理、化學有基本的認識,並且深入淺出地帶到8-9年級程度的內容。每個禮拜都是獨立的一個主題。
這項課程內容是由萊特豪斯的創辦人Mark(史丹佛大學生物學學士)與課程研發主任Ivon (台北醫學大學醫學士)共同規劃。他們發現,很多資質優異的孩子,在一開始遇到進階的科學相關課程,就投降放棄了。這並不是因為孩子們能力不足,多半是因為在打基礎的時候,就已經因為老師快速帶過而飽受挫折。打好科學課程的基礎是通往理科STEM成功學習的重要關鍵。有鑑於以上種種,萊特豪斯Introduction to Science基礎科學這門課的目標是為學生準備好學習進階理科項目的底子,藉由獨特設計的教學,讓孩子們可以真正參與投入學習,啟發對STEM科目的學習興趣與自信,藉此增強求知慾望,為孩子後續的理工科STEM 領域,做好超前部署。
This class at Lighthouse Camps has always been loved by children and parents. The course is derived from the introductory version of Exploring Science 7, which is currently used by many schools in the UK. It mainly allows students in grades 5-6 to have a basic understanding of biology, physics, and chemistry, and to explain it in a simple and easy way to 8- 9th grade level content. Each week has a separate theme.
The content of this course was jointly planned by Mark, the founder of Lighthouse and Ivon, director of curriculum development. They found that many children with excellent qualifications gave up when they first encountered advanced science-related courses. This is not because the children are incompetent, but mostly because when they are laying the foundation, they have suffered setbacks due to the teacher’s quick guidance. Laying a solid foundation in science courses is an important key to successful science STEM studies. In view of the above, the goal of Lighthouse's Introduction to Science basic science course is to prepare students for learning advanced science projects. Through uniquely designed teaching, children can truly participate in learning and inspire their interest in STEM. This will enhance children’s interest and confidence in learning subjects, thereby enhancing their desire for knowledge and making advance arrangements for their children’s subsequent STEM fields in science and engineering.
More available courses 更多課程:
- Amazon Rainforest 亞馬遜雨林生態 for ages 5-7 適合5-7歲
- Intro to VEX GO 機器人設計入門 for ages 8-12 適合8-12歲
- Forensic Investigators 法醫偵探團 for ages 8-12 適合8-12歲
- English Writing Class 英語寫作班 for ages 9-11 適合9-11歲