Never thought your little ones could code?
Kids as young as 5 get to program a robot to boogie, code a game or create an animation on an iPad! Unleash your child’s full creative potential by soaking in the wonders of tech. Inventing the future starts right here.
This course is divided into Junior Tech 1 (Bee-bot, Scratch Jr., and Littlebits) and a more advanced Junior Tech 2 (Bee-bot, Scratch Jr., and Osmo)
This course is divided into Junior Tech 1 (Bee-bot, Scratch Jr., and Littlebits) and a more advanced Junior Tech 2 (Bee-bot, Scratch Jr., and Osmo)
Junior Techs 1 : Beebot, Littlebits & Scratch Jr
Perfect introductory coding course for young kids. Junior Tech 1, covering the basics of Beebot, Littlebits, and Scratch Jr., provides a good mix of tangible programming & on-screen programming.
5-7歲的孩子還沒有學會方向感,我們讓透過小黃蜂機器人編寫程式語言,並驗證自己的想法,進而學習程式邏輯及問題解決的能力;搭配Littlebits學習電路原理及發明自己的創意小玩具及Scratch Jr.練習程式語法及邏輯,圖像化自己的想法。
5-7歲的孩子還沒有學會方向感,我們讓透過小黃蜂機器人編寫程式語言,並驗證自己的想法,進而學習程式邏輯及問題解決的能力;搭配Littlebits學習電路原理及發明自己的創意小玩具及Scratch Jr.練習程式語法及邏輯,圖像化自己的想法。
Learning Objectives
Beebot Challenge
Beebot is an exciting little robot designed for use by young children. This colorful, easy to operate, and friendly little robot is a perfect tool for learning counting, sequencing, estimation, problem-solving, and just having fun! 什麼是 Beebot ? Beebot 是一款兒童編程的啟蒙機器人,也是 STEAM 教育得獎肯定的教具之一,利用簡單的方位箭頭作為操作指令以及簡易的數學概念,幫助孩子開始累積程式編碼思維。 為什麼學 Beebot ? 孩子在能夠認識數字和字母之前,就已經能夠理解箭頭方向的含義了,利用小蜂蜜機器人身上的方向按鈕,孩子練習計數及方向感,並結合挑戰關卡,就能讓孩子接觸到各種編程的基本原則。5 - 6 歲這個階段的小孩會開始知道什麼是演算法,不一定是透過電腦。我們讓孩子透過不插電的 BEEBOT 小蜂蜜機器人, 學習如何計數、排序、估算及解決問題,培養孩子的「運算性思維」(COMPUTATIONAL THINKING),讓他們學如何把巨大的問題拆解成一系列更小、更容易處理的問題。孩子將在學習過程中,養成自己思考判斷能力,並學習如何解決現實中的問題。 課程內容 認識 Beebot 機器人:學習 Beebot 操作按鈕 你要去哪兒:讓孩子決定 Beebot 行走的方向,學會設計關卡 Beebot 闖關挑戰: 實際操作 Beebot學習思考問題,並動手解決遇到的難題,培養問題解決能力 |
Littlebits is a system of electronic building blocks that snap together to turn ideas into inventions. There’s no need for soldering or to write programs. Kids can easily create their own toys.
Littlebits 是一個電子積木系統, 可以將想法拼湊成發明, 一點點創意就可以帶給孩子們創作的快樂, 輕鬆創造自己獨一無二的小玩具。 Scratch Jr. is an introductory programming language that enables young children (ages 5 and up) to create their own interactive stories and games.
Scratch Jr. 是一種入門程式編碼語言,可以讓幼兒(5歲及以上)創建自己的互動故事和遊戲。 |
Junior Techs 2: Beebot, Osmo & Scratch Jr
For kids that loved Junior Tech 1, we have a more advanced course. 如果你喜歡我們的Junior Tech 1,我們當然有更進階的課程項目。
Learning Objectives
Osmo is a unique gaming accessory designed with reflective artificial intelligence. Osmo games include apps that feature drawing, literacy, physics puzzles, spatial reasoning, coding, and more. With each challenge, learn problem-solving skills and creative thinking from the game!