Meet Our Team 團隊介紹
Mark Hsu - Founder 創辦人
Lighthouse Camps 的創始者Mark, 畢業於美國史丹福大學,不僅是以為連續創業家,也是兩個孩子的爸爸。在發現台灣缺乏優質的跨領域立刻教育(STEAM programs)後,他在2018年創立了Lighthouse Camps(萊特豪斯兒童營隊),不知是為了他自己的兩個兒子,也為了全台灣的孩子們。
Mark Hsu, the founder of Lighthouse Camps, graduated from Stanford University, is not only a serial entrepreneur, but also the father of two children. After discovering that Taiwan lacks high-quality cross-field academic education (STEAM programs), he founded Lighthouse Camps in 2018, not only for his own two children, but also every student in Taiwan. |
Ivon Jou - Academic Director 課程研發主任從小在國外長大,大學士會台灣取得醫學學士學位後,仍無法忘情自己對兒童教育的熱忱,加入Lighthouse Camps後,設計了多種適合國小或學齡前兒童的STEAM課程。 Ivon相信在能夠自由發揮創意,探索好奇心的環境下成長的孩子們,再能成為未來世界需要的人才。
Ivon Jou, who holds a Bachelor of Medicine degree and grew up abroad, has designed various STEAM courses that are suitable for elementary school students. She believes that children who are given the freedom to be creative and explore their curious mind along with the right tools, can become empowering members of society. |
我們的目標 Our Mission在Lighthouse Camps,
我們不單單只是提供教學服務, 更希望能啟發孩子們, 教導孩子不要害怕錯誤, 而是如何勇敢無懼地從錯誤中學習, 培養他們在任何領域都能成為一個成功的小小創新菁英。 |
Here at Lighthouse Camps, we don't just teach.
Kids learn how to make MISTAKES, how to
be FEARLESS, and
become little INNOVATORS geared for
SUCCESS in any field.
Kids learn how to make MISTAKES, how to
be FEARLESS, and
become little INNOVATORS geared for
SUCCESS in any field.