Explore a series of inspiring and engaging activities, such as Pixel art, dough circuits, Scratch Jr., Osmo, and so on, that help kids develop their curiosity about tech, and build an understanding of basic computer science and electronics concepts through creative and fun projects!
Learning Objectives Pixel Art Kids will learn what pixels are and how they come together to form computer images. Through the basic binary, kids will create images. 孩子們在生活中看到很多的圖象,什麼是圖象?透過繪畫的方式讓孩子了解什麼是像素?以及如何把像素組合在一起形成一個圖象,讓他們學習如設計2D圖像(0與1的二維邏輯) Squishy Dough Circuits They will know how electric circuits work by making their own squishy dough and simple electric circuitry. 透過簡單的電路零件及黏土,做出自已的小玩具,在做中學習並了解電路的工作原理。 Code Your Own Fitness Routine with Scratch Jr! Kids will learn sequencing by creating code blocks that represent an exercise and put together a fitness routine, then animating it on Scratch Jr. 透過團隊思考一個常態運動的流程,將設計好的運動流程,透過Scratch Jr做出動態影像 |