適合6-10歲學童,零基礎可 For Age 6 to 10, No Prerequisite.
5-Day Camp Topics 課程大綱
Bubble Painting
Create a painting using a bubble blowing technique. This activity is a multi sensory experience where campers will be immersed in play, color exploration, movement, texture, pattern and abstract art. Towards the end of the class, the teacher will explore the different shapes created on the page with the campers to stimulate their imagination. Do you see a fish, a face, a spaceship, a monster, or a flower? Aside from using the imagination, they will also practice their English through creative storytelling. 泡泡吹圖
利用吹泡泡的方式作畫! 在玩藝術中進行多重的感官體驗,包括探索色彩、律動、質地手感、圖樣、抽象藝術等等。課程尾聲,老師會帶領學童們發揮想像力,你看到的是一條魚、一張臉、一個怪物、一朵花,還是一艘太空船呢? 透過想像力,一起練習用英文說故事。 |
Sensory Play: My First Short Film
Using paper cups and packing tape, campers will design multiple characters and images with the teacher. After using their motor skills to cut and build their own image projection devices, campers will use a flashlight to project the images on the wall to do a show & tell. Through this exercise, they will see their drawings come to life, exposing them to the concept of film-making and animation and have the opportunity to practice their presentation, storytelling and creative expression skills. 感官發展遊戲--自製短片:
以紙杯跟封箱膠帶設計不同的腳色跟圖像,接著利用動作技能來製作投影的設備,用手電筒投影出來。學童們不只可以讓自己製作的2D圖像動起來、藉此了解短片或是動畫的概念,也能利用投影說故事,練習簡報跟表達能力。 |
Sculpture: Matisse Papier Mache
The famous painter Henri Matisse is widely regarded as the greatest colourist of the 20th century. In this class, campers will learn a little about his work and influence and create a 3D structure inspired by his style. They will be exposed to basic techniques in mold making and collage. This activity will enable them to play with colors and shapes in a three dimensional environment and expose them to the basics to designing objects. 紙漿雕塑--認識馬諦斯:
馬諦斯是公認20世紀最重要的畫家之一,這堂課,我們將來認識他的作品、對藝術的影響,然後以馬諦斯的風格來創作自己的3D雕塑。學童們將接觸到製作模具跟拼貼的基礎技巧,並且進一步從2D進到3D的色彩與形狀的世界。 |
Design: Tie Dye T-shirt
In the last class, campers will put on their designer hat and create their own tie dye inspired t-shirts. Using alcohol based markers, they will create different patterns and see how they come to life with a few drops of rubbing alcohol. The teacher will begin the class with some basic elements of branding as well. 小小設計師--紮染上衣
最後一堂課,老師將稍微帶入"品牌"的基礎元素,引導出學童們的設計師靈魂,設計製作自己的紮染上衣、看看幾滴顏料能夠創造出怎樣不同的圖騰花樣。 |