Full English Art Camp- 5 Senses: Touch, Sound, Smell, Vision and Taste
萊特豪斯全英語兒童藝術營: 五感藝術饗宴
Topics 課程大綱
Cozy Sleep: Collage
Are dreams more sweet when the pillow is softer or when the blanket is thicker? We will talk a bit about our sense of Tactility and why it's important for humans and in the animal world. Using paper, glue and other materials on the flat surface we will create a cozy sleeping place for our friend Monkey. We will know more about the work with little pieces, colours and textures. 一夜好眠--拼貼:
枕頭比較軟、被子比較厚會比較好睡嗎? 這堂課我們將討論到"觸覺",還有觸覺對人、對動物有甚麼重要性。再利用剪紙拼貼,來為我們的好朋友小猴做一個舒適的安眠環境,藉此學習利用碎片拼貼、色彩配置,以及不同的質地。 |
Smell of the Ocean:
Glass PaintingHave you been to the Ocean? What smells better for you: Ocean, Town or Forest? Why? And do you think fish can smell? What about birds? In our work the air and water verses will merge together. And the result of our creativity with paintings on a dish can become a great design for home stuff. 海洋的味道--玻璃彩繪:
有去過海邊嗎? 你喜歡城市的味道、海邊還是森林的? 為什麼呢? 你覺得魚也聞得到味道嗎? 那鳥呢? 這次我們將結合空氣跟水,發揮創意在餐盤上作畫,成品會是家中最棒的擺設唷! |
City Sounds: Grattage/ scratching
Today let's imagine the Elephant arriving in the City. Can the Elephant hear its buzzing roads, mumbling crowds or the noise of the planes? Using sharp sticks we will try to "find" everything that is hidden under the black cover on the sheets of paper. 城市的聲音--刮板畫:
今天讓我們用想像力跟大象一起遨遊城市,大象會聽到忙碌車流的、人群熙攘或是飛機飛過嗎? 利用安全的竹籤刮出黑色畫部底下的神秘世界。 |
Snacks at the Tea Party: Painting, gouache
Can the frog sitting at the celebration table get the furthest dessert from it? and how big a variety of dishes are on the table! Let's create the best menu for the Tea Party and draw it with paintings. 茶點派對--不透明水彩:
今天我們要來參加一場豐盛的茶點派對,長長的桌上擺滿了各式佳餚。呱呱蛙能拿到長桌另一端的點心嗎? 一起來用水彩幫這聚會繪製一個精美可口的菜單吧! |
Colours of 4 Seasons: Monotyping
Every season has the magic to transform nature into absolutely different colours! We see them therefore we can have different emotions. But what emotions could we get from Winter or Summer if we are Cats? One work is good and 8 works is better! Who can get acquainted with the technique of the manual printing through the simplest materials can stay pleased with the result. 四季的顏色--單版畫:
春夏秋冬四個季節擁有各自的魔幻色彩,也為我們帶來不同的心境。如果今天你是一隻貓,冬天是甚麼樣的心情? 那夏天呢? 透過最簡單的材料來學習人工印刷,看看誰能做出最棒的作品! |