ancient Greek Stories-For 5-12
(course delivered in Chinese)
9 : 30 am to 12 : 30 pm (noon) Fee:
上午9:30-12:30 (三小時課程) 費用:
Teacher PP is back this Lunar New Year with a whole new art camp. And this time we will time travel back to Ancient Greece to experience the art with mythology. Ancient Greek Mythologies play an important role in not only art but literature, drama, philosophy, or even the English vocabulary till now.
Each day, a topic will be covered in the following format: 80-minute Mythology and Ancient Greek introduction and 90-minutes Art Project.
2021的農曆新年的寒假營隊,萊特豪斯再度與PP老師合作,繼續為我們說故事學藝術囉! 這次將以希臘神話故事為主題,希臘神話可以說是西方藝術發展的泉源。不僅僅只是消遣娛樂的故事,更影響了後世的文學、戲劇、哲學、藝術,甚至是天天用的英文單字或是醫學名詞也源自於此,例如說到摩羯座裡的潘恩(Pan)因為長相太醜到令人恐懼,所以英文詞彙恐懼"panic"就是這麼來的。
Each day, a topic will be covered in the following format: 80-minute Mythology and Ancient Greek introduction and 90-minutes Art Project.
2021的農曆新年的寒假營隊,萊特豪斯再度與PP老師合作,繼續為我們說故事學藝術囉! 這次將以希臘神話故事為主題,希臘神話可以說是西方藝術發展的泉源。不僅僅只是消遣娛樂的故事,更影響了後世的文學、戲劇、哲學、藝術,甚至是天天用的英文單字或是醫學名詞也源自於此,例如說到摩羯座裡的潘恩(Pan)因為長相太醜到令人恐懼,所以英文詞彙恐懼"panic"就是這麼來的。
Topics 課程大綱
Each day a topic will be covered in the following format: Story (80 min) +Art Project (90 min)
連續五天課程各一個主題,合計5個課程主題,每日課程分為 :希臘神話故事 (80分鐘) + 創作體驗 (90分鐘)
1.月神黛安娜與獵鹿人/刮板創意繪畫 Diana/ Artemis, Goddess of the hunt and the Moon: Scrape Painting
2.牛頭人米諾陶與迷宮/馬諦斯的剪紙藝術 Minotaur, the man with a bull head and tail: Paper cuttin in Matisse way
3.星座故事之魔羯座/壓克力顏料創意繪畫 Story of the Capricorn: Acrylic Painting
4.星座故事之無敵獅/輕質土創意捏塑 Story of the Leo: Light Clay Creation
5.海格力士大戰三頭犬/壓克力顏料創意繪畫 Heracles captured multi-headed dog Cerberus: Acrylic Painting
連續五天課程各一個主題,合計5個課程主題,每日課程分為 :希臘神話故事 (80分鐘) + 創作體驗 (90分鐘)
1.月神黛安娜與獵鹿人/刮板創意繪畫 Diana/ Artemis, Goddess of the hunt and the Moon: Scrape Painting
2.牛頭人米諾陶與迷宮/馬諦斯的剪紙藝術 Minotaur, the man with a bull head and tail: Paper cuttin in Matisse way
3.星座故事之魔羯座/壓克力顏料創意繪畫 Story of the Capricorn: Acrylic Painting
4.星座故事之無敵獅/輕質土創意捏塑 Story of the Leo: Light Clay Creation
5.海格力士大戰三頭犬/壓克力顏料創意繪畫 Heracles captured multi-headed dog Cerberus: Acrylic Painting