"親身體驗Lighthouse Camps帶領自己的孩子從原本害羞,變得願意面對困難,到了現在的充滿信心、擁抱挑戰,甚至能夠主動出擊,尋找自已有什麼地方能夠貢獻一己之力。 同樣身為教育者的我常在想,Lighthouse Camps 到底有什麼特別之處?" 從Beebot、Scratch Jr.就在Lighthouse Camps長大,到現在開始用Hopscotch自已做小遊戲給妹妹玩,我親身經歷Lighthouse Camps帶領Lucie從原本害羞,變得願意面對困難,到了現在的充滿信心、擁抱挑戰,甚至能夠主動出擊,尋找自已有什麼地方能夠貢獻一己之力。
我常在想,Lighthouse Camps 到底有什麼特別之處? 撇開CLIL*、STEAM,這些市面上一直強調,而Lighthouse Camps卻早己經不經意以優越的師資與輔導團隊駕馭到位的特質不談,Lighthouse Camps 最後讓我感動的,就是它激勵孩子的能力。它引導孩子迎向挑戰,它讓孩子知道「犯錯沒有關系,因為犯錯是通往成功很大的要素」。 Lighthouse Camps 就像一盞明燈、才能,讓自己的能力,成為別人的助益。 Lighthouse Camps與身為資深教育者的我理念相同,因此我選擇Lighthouse Camps。 From Beebot and Scratch Jr. my daughter Lucie grew up in Lighthouse Camps, and now she uses Hopscotch to create mini-games for her sister. I personally experienced that Lighthouse Camps led Lucie from being very shy to not being afraid to face difficulties on her own. Now, she is very confident, willing to take challenges and even taking initiatives! Sometimes I wonder what's so special about Lighthouse? Besides the CLIL* and STEAM curriculum, which have been emphasized among many other camp organizers, Lighthouse has proofed itself with excellent and experienced teachers and assistant teachers. Last but not least, it inspires children to reach beyond what they think they can do. It is okay to make a mistake because you're a step closer to success. Lighthouse and I share the common belief: Make one's abilities a benefit to others. Lighthouse Camps is like a beacon, it encourages children to use their talents and abilities to help others. Lighthouse Camps share my philosophy as a senior educator, so I chose Lighthouse Camps. From Lucie's Mom *CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning
1 Comment
4/7/2020 04:57:09 am
Lucky are those children who got educated by Lighthouse Camps. I am sure that they are offering a different curriculum from what we have, and they should be thankful with that. Right now, our students are really happy with the quality of education they have been getting. If that's the case then I am indeed happy for them! By the way, I am hoping that I will be able to see an observe the environment in Lighthouse Camp; I can feel that I will be able to learn a lot of stuff from them!
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February 2025