Think Big, Act Global, Be a World Citizen 全球思維、放眼世界、改變未來
Calling all future diplomats!
Are you curious about the world and how things work? Do you dream of making a difference? Join Lighthouse's Model United Nations camp.
This exciting camp is designed for young minds aged 10 to 12 who want to explore the world of international relations. Through fun activities, engaging games, and role-playing simulations, you'll transform into a junior diplomat, representing a country on the world stage!
你是不是對世界充滿好奇,想了解國際間運作的方式?那麼,快來加入萊特豪斯的模擬聯合國營隊:開啟你的小小外交官之旅! 這個營隊專為 10 至 12 歲、渴望探索國際關係世界的孩子們而設計!
Are you curious about the world and how things work? Do you dream of making a difference? Join Lighthouse's Model United Nations camp.
This exciting camp is designed for young minds aged 10 to 12 who want to explore the world of international relations. Through fun activities, engaging games, and role-playing simulations, you'll transform into a junior diplomat, representing a country on the world stage!
你是不是對世界充滿好奇,想了解國際間運作的方式?那麼,快來加入萊特豪斯的模擬聯合國營隊:開啟你的小小外交官之旅! 這個營隊專為 10 至 12 歲、渴望探索國際關係世界的孩子們而設計!
What to Expect:
Read more about Model United Nations here 了解有關模擬聯合國的更多信息 |