Making your own Virtual WorldIf your kids are into Minecraft, they would love Lighthouse’s new camp, Making your own Virtual World.
In this camp, we will guide kids to create their own AR/VR world via CoSpace, available on smartphones, tablets or laptops, which ease the design of 3D environments that can then be “visited” in virtual reality or projected in augmented reality. In this environment, kids are allowed to design their own immersive worlds with 3D content. Moreover, they can then animate their creation with code. This online software is a kind of Scratch, where kids can code the characters and objects they have created or dropped and create their own worlds in augmented reality or virtual reality. From the basic of creating 360° Tour and virtual exhibition, then we will work on the story line to create a AR/VR game and present at the end of the camp. The course includes
創建你的虛擬世界進入元宇宙的世代,未來人人都可以創建自己的虛擬世界。萊特豪斯的虛擬世界營隊中,利用CoSpace平台,帶孩子們認識虛擬實境 (VR, Virtual Reality) ,以及擴增實境 (AR, Augmented Reality),並創建自己的虛擬世界;並在五天營隊結束後,像同儕、師長們簡報介紹自己的虛擬世界!
VR/AR能把事物或環境用360度方式呈現,對孩子們來說,有趣更甚Minecraft。我們課程中使用Co Spaces平台,是一款能方便製作VR/AR的軟體,只需一部平板電腦或電腦連接上網就可上課,讓孩子能夠輕鬆的建構自己的3D世界,並且透過環境跟角色設置,學習不一樣的說故事方式。再加上程式設計的互動和動畫等等,以VR/AR呈現最終成果的體驗。課程涵蓋互動、3D設計建構和故事性等三大重點,加上萊特豪斯獨家的教學方式,引導孩子在期末完成充滿個人特色的虛擬世界遊戲。 課程重點包括: