Discover coding through Pixel Kits, Computer Kits and Motion Sensors!
Into the Kano World We Go!: Build a Computer 自己組電腦
Kano is an operating system that teaches children to write programs. Kids will learn the basic hardware of a computer by assembling it and transitioning from block-based coding to typed-coding such as CoffeeScript and Python.
Kano OS是⼀套專⾨教⼩朋友寫程式的作 業系統,它內建了許多專⾨⽤來教孩⼦程式概 念的軟體。孩⼦將透過Kano Computer的Touch Kit, Pixel Kit, and Motion Sensor. 三種套件,學習到程式設計的編碼概念,並開始執⾏編碼作業準備好跟我們一起進入Kano世界了嗎? Kano 以一種簡單有趣的方式,結合硬體及軟體,除了可以動手DIY自組電腦,同時還有超過150小時的創造性遊戲編程,讓孩子邊學邊玩,真正開始編寫代碼,為自己打開一個全新.有趣的編碼世界。 |
Learning Objectives