If you’re going to learn how to code, why not pick up one of the most versatile and powerful programming languages on the planet? This popular text-based programming language is easy to understand and learn, making it perfect for kids.
如果你只要學一種程式語言,怎麼能不學最地球表面最強大、程式界中最易懂、應用最廣泛的Python! 我們將從編寫客製化程式開始,然後學習怎樣發現錯誤並修正,最後利用遊戲為基底的程式設計完成編寫。
Children will learn the basics of Python, from block-based coding to typing code. They will start writing and customizing programs. Learn to read and debug code, and finally practice coding through a game-based program.
What kids will learn: