JavaScript is the programming language of the Internet, the secret sauce that makes the Web awesome, your favorite sites interactive, and online games fun!
In this class, children will learn the basics of the JavaScript language. They will make animations in JavaScript, write text and strings, use variables and functions as well as understand logic parameter concepts and programming loops to debug and complete a program.
Why JavaScript? According to Stack Overflow’s survey in 2020, JavaScript is still the most popular programming language. The application covers a wide range, from website page, Android or iOS applications, as well as server applications. Also, since it’s comparably new, its syntax is more intuitive and easier to learn. Topics Covered: Basics of JavaScript language
為什麼小朋友要學習JavaScript? 不同於成人學習寫程式、多半是為了工作,讓孩子們學習程式語言第一要點,就是引起他們的興趣與好奇心。而且JavaScript的應用很廣泛,不管是網頁、Android 或是 iOS APP,甚至到伺服器端或是桌面應用程式,都可以利用JavaScript開發。全球最權威的軟體知識社群 Stackoverflow 在 2020 年做的調查,JavaScript在「最廣泛使用的程式語言」名列第一。 課程中,我們搭配Khan Academy可汗學院的線上資源,老師將概念講解後,讓孩子們實際操作。小班制的教學,遇到問題可以快速得到老師的指導分析,讓孩子不是依樣畫葫蘆、按老師的範例練習。並依孩子的程度可以做出不同的成果,讓孩子有更多挑戰的機會,並且提供他們一個真正練習所學的環境。 |
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