We all know that reading is the way to good writing, and even more, reading is actually the foundation of all learning. But why? 我們都知道,想要有好的寫作能力,必須從養成閱讀的習慣開始;其實不單單如此,閱讀更是所有學習的基礎。為什麼呢? Literacy is the foundation of all learning. Patty Murray, U.S. Senators and a former educator, mentioned that “if students don’t have a strong foundation in reading and writing, there is very little else we can do to help them succeed in the modern world.” According to an article in The Guardian, children who frequently read books at age 10 and read more than once per week at age 16 had higher test results than those who read less. Reading for pleasure was linked to higher academic achievement in vocabulary, spelling and even mathematics. Not only academic achievement, but literacy also brings positive impacts to kids behaviorally, economically, and even health. The Key to Good Writing is Reading. Stephen King had advised that an aspiring writer should read something like five hours a day. But how exactly reading could improve writing skills? According to one of Wendy Rider’s article, Improving Student Writing through Reading Strategies, in her 20+ years of experience teaching writing, composition courses emphasize documentation, but students also learn about essay content and structure from exposure to effective models. Below are her findings of how reading intersects with writing:
So, how to find books for your kids? Let Lighthouse help you. We will regularly share our recommendations on books, with a variety of topics, for different ages as well as reading levels. Follow our blogs to pick books for your kids and develop their lifelong reading habits as young as possible. You’d also join our reading clubs, writing class, English Journalism, and other humanity camps like Ancient Greece/ Greek Myth. There’s also Storytelling for younger ones, age 4-6. 閱讀是所有學習的基礎
一位曾是老師的美國議員,Patty Murray,根據他多年的在教育界的經驗發現,如果孩子的閱讀寫作等文學底子不夠,不管老師家長怎麼努力協助,很難在現今社會找到成功之路。而英國衛報的文章中也提到一項研究發現,在10歲時養成時常閱讀的習慣,然後到16歲時每周閱讀超過一次的學生,考試成績表現遠優於其他閱讀量較少同儕。休閒性的閱讀可以提高學術成就,不只是字彙量、拼字,甚至在數學方面也顯示相同的結果。而且不只在學術方面,良好的文學素養,對孩子的行為、經濟甚至健康有正面的影響。 想要有好的寫作能力,必須由良好的閱讀習慣開始 史蒂芬金曾經對寫作新手們建議,每天都要閱讀,最好一天可以讀五個小時以上。 但閱讀實際上到底是怎樣提升寫作能力呢? 我們擷取一位超過20年寫作教學經驗的Wendy Rider的分享:
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February 2025