![]() What is Model United Nations? Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation that enables students to learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. During a MUN conference, participants assume the role of a representative of a country, organization, or individual, and work collaboratively with other delegates from around the globe to solve a particular problem. This activity offers a unique learning opportunity, teaching students valuable skills such as research, public speaking, debating, writing, critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership. While MUN is often an extracurricular activity, some schools offer it as a class, aiming to engage students and foster their deeper understanding of current world issues.
一個人可以面對多少人,就代表這個人的人生成就有多大。<<英國首相邱吉爾>> 要想成為優秀的企業家,首先你得先是個演說家。<<馬雲>> 關於TED-Ed Student Talk營隊,家長最常問到的就是參加這個營隊有甚麼好處? TED Talk和一般的演講有甚麼不一樣? 為什麼不直接做辯論(Debate)訓練? What's TED-Ed Student Talks?
以下的文章,我們將為您解答,TED-Ed Student Talk的訓練有甚麼助益、和演講或是辯論之間的差別。
The Very Hungry CaterpillarWith its iconic illustrations, simple plot and engaging cutouts, The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a classic, widely-loved children’s book that every toddler and kid will enjoy and learn from. The story tells of a caterpillar’s transformation into a butterfly through a week of eating colourful fruits and sweets.
February 2025