According to 11th Fleet's recent article, currently there are 22 international schools in Taiwan. A “true” international school as defined by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education requires that the student holds a foreign passport. Note this definition is different from a school that offers an international curriculum and does not require a foreign passport. There are a variety of International schools in Taiwan, American vs Japanese, religious vs secular, and a European school in between. Check out the full list along with the intro and tuition fees here. If you need more info, feel free to contact us via online form, call 02-2771-6002 , E-mail to [email protected],or line @183liwzg。 近幾年來,因為台灣的風力發電開發以及對外國人在台創業友善,國際學校的生源益趨擴大。在過去一年,因疫情關係,旅外臺人返台潮,更是將這波漲勢迅速帶到高峰。11th Fleet整理了台灣目前在教育部定義下核可的國際僑學校名單,以及基本的介紹還有費用等資訊。 如您需要更多資訊,歡迎與我們聯繫,或是致電至 02-2771-6002 、 E-mail 到 [email protected],或是 Line: @183liwzg。
February 2025