Study about Ancient Greece, and how their culture affected almost everything in the world today. They impacted everything from government, philosophy, science, mathematics, art, literature, and even sports. Read about different Greek myths, learn more English vocabulary words originating from Ancient Greek, work on STEAM projects each day.
For age 5-7, the camp will focus on Greek myth, while for age 8-12 campers, we will dig into the ancient Greek culture. 跟Lighthouse一起了解古希臘的文明,及其如何影響當今世界的幾乎所有事物,包含政府、哲學、科學、醫學、數學、文學、建築、戲劇、繪畫等各式藝術,乃至體育等各方面。有了古希臘文明的基礎了解,未來前往歐美國家求學時,才能無縫銜接、降低因為從小生長環境不同造成的文化差異。而閱讀不同的希臘神話,瞭解更多源自古希臘語的英語單詞,透過字根及字首,更有助於學習英文單字。五天營隊中,每天完成一個STEAM專案,我們能利用冰棒棍及紙杯做成木馬;用金色及紅色的紙做成戰士的腰帶及頭盔。並於營隊最後一天,邀請家長們參與孩子的期末學習報告。 5-7歲的營隊,會以希臘神話為主;而8-12歲,則會更深入廣泛的了解古希臘文化。 |
What to Expect
Sample Camp Schedule